Let’s keep this short and clear.

This website is hosted by micro.blog. If you are using this website as a registered micro.blog user, please also refer directly to their privacy policy.

For detail on the information micro.blog collects on people who visit hosted blogs like this, please follow this link to their privacy policy.

It states: “We log a visitor’s IP address, web browser version, and requested path on your blog. These logs are kept for 2 months. In most Micro.blog themes, some resources are retrieved from the main Micro.blog platform. For example, the profile photo and JavaScript to include replies for a blog post, if enabled. When one of these resources is loaded and a visitor is already signed in to Micro.blog, a cookie identifying the visitor is sent to Micro.blog. Otherwise, no cookies are ever used for hosted blogs”.

I have not added to this website any further analytics, cookies or other ways for me to automatically collect your information.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

This privacy note was last updated on the 2nd of January 2024.